The Playground, Paradigm Studios in Oakland, CA
November 17, 1990
Other Acts:
Blatz, Still, Separate Ways, Pisco
- Steve Koepke: "nov 17 sat BLATZ, Still, Green Day, Separate Ways at The Playground all ages $3 Donation 7/8pm (bands not listed in order) Note: Go towards Oakland Colliseum, take Hegenburger Exit. Head opposite of the airport over 2 overpasses. Make right on San Leandro St. Up a couple of blocks - 9029 San Leandro St. (Paradigm Studios).
- Erick Padilla: "Just found this... in my treasure box. A party I threw (under promoter name, Sinister Sam) with friends, for my 18th birthday party. Green Day headlined and played for free. 25 years ago! I had to share, especially with my Pinole Valley friends. It was an epic night! ...That's right, Separate Ways, Pisco, Blatz and the rest of the bands played for free as a gift. One of the best presents ever! Thanks again for that b-day present, Andy."
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