The Uptown in Oakland, CA
April 15, 2009
- Secret show
- Recordings from this show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- East Bay Express: "Well have we got another piece of news for you: the Uptown Nightclub in Oakland just announced it's hosting Green Day tonight. Tickets are only available at the door starting at 8 p.m., first-come first-served. So if you're a big fan and want to catch them in their most intimate venue yet (compared to the Fox and the Independent, that is), better line up now. Tickets are $20. 21 and over. May the best man and woman win."
- Spinning Platters: "I hadn't planned to attend tonight's Green Day show at the Uptown in Oakland. I knew it was happening, but I wasn't going to get there early enough to get in line, skip Franz Ferdinand, and spend another late night with Green Day. I wanted to, but I was just going to do something different. Then a funny thing happened.I walked by the Uptown at around 3:45 and there were only about 40 people in line. So I got in line and started thinking about whether or not I should stay or not. I called some people and told them to come by, and the next thing I knew, I was going to Green Day at the Uptown, thus proving I'm insane. This was my third Green Day show in just over a week, so everything needs to be taken in that context. The Independent show happened so fast, I barely had time to get excited for it. The night at the Fox in Oakland was a big bombastic stage show, and the crowd energy was fairly low. But last night at the Uptown, it was crowded and hot and sweaty and a little dangerous. Although it was the most sloppy of all the shows, and there were a fair amount of technical challenges, it was truly great to be there. I didn't take down a setlist because my Blackberry was dead, and anyway, I was being pushed and shoved consistently for more than 2 hours. They played the entire new album and then a second 'set.' Like the other shows, they played American Idiot, Jesus of Suburbia, King For a Day and Minority. Here's some brief highlights: During Novacaine, Billie Joe was having horrible feedback issues. Each time he did, he spiked his microphone on the ground. It was like a little tantrum, and it was entertaining to watch. After the song, he asked us if the feedback was too bad, and I think the consensus was 'my ears are ringing too much for feedback.' At one point, the band started taking requests. Someone asked them to play 86. Billie Joe started teaching it to Jason White, who has been the 4th guy in the band for the last ten years. Then he fiddled with it a little bit more, finally realizing he couldn't play it. People started jeering, and he said 'you try writing more songs than John Lennon!' This brought more jeers, and he said 'I didn't say they were all good.' Billie Joe had to stop Minority in the middle to tell some guy in the front of the crowd not to feel up women when they crowd surf. He looked really pissed about this. Minority ended up being the last song, and I blame that guy. There clearly could have been more songs! It's nice to know that my Green Week is over. Three Green Day shows in eight days is really tiring. One can only pogo into the early morning hours so much before they need to take a night off. If Green Day were playing a surprise house party tonight, and I were invited, I'd probably skip it. Or would I?"
1. 21st Century Breakdown
2. Know Your Enemy
3. ¡Viva La Gloria!
4. Before The Lobotomy
5. Christian's Inferno
6. Last Night On Earth
7. East Jesus Nowhere
8. Peacemaker
9. Last Of the American Girls
10. Murder City
11. ¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl)
12. Restless Heart Syndrome
13. Horseshoes And Handgrenades
14. The Static Age
15. 21 Guns
16. American Eulogy
17. See The Light
18. Ever Fallen In Love? (Buzzcocks Cover)
19. American Idiot
20. Jesus Of Suburbia
21. Geek Stink Breath
22. Give Me Novacaine
23. Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie cover) (Partial)
24. Surrender (Cheap Trick cover) /Bastards of Young (Replacements cover)
25. Basket Case
26. King For A Day
27. Shout (Isley Brothers cover) / I Want to Hold Your Hand (The Beatles cover)
28. Minority