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There are 4 songs left in our tournament to determine the best Green Day guitar solo. Out of 92 songs, these are the remaining 4 that you guys have voted to advance.
"Hitchin' A Ride" vs. "Let Yourself Go"
"Dirty Rotten Bastards" vs ... read story
[pic=Billie Joe on stage]080413_bj1.jpg[/pic]After a short delay (sorry about that), round 5 of our Best Green Day Guitar Solo tournament is finally up. 8 songs remain out of the 92 we started with. This round truly is 'old vs. new,' with ... read story
Just announced last week, Green Day was nominated for several World Music Awards. The band was nominated for Best Album with ¡Dos!, Best Group, and Best Live Act.
Voting is now open to the public. Click here to visit the voting page ... read story
[pic=Billie Joe playing the geetar]072513_rsz_nygtjs.jpg[/pic]We're down to 16 songs in our "Best Green Day Guitar Solo" tournament. In the last round you guys voted for one song to advance of the remaining 23, and the top 16 with the most ... read story
[pic=Billie Joe soloing]072513_rsz_nygtjs.jpg[/pic]After two rounds and 46 songs eliminated, our tournament moves on toward finding out which Green Day guitar solo is the fan-favorite. Due to an uneven number of guitar solos (making 1 vs. 1 ... read story
[pic=CaptionText]072313_solos.jpg[/pic]Round 1 is now done in our Best Green Day Guitar Solos tournament. The first round had 92 songs up against one another, and today round 2 starts up with the 46 songs a majority of you voted to advance ... read story
[pic=Billie Joe soloing]072013_rsz_billyjoe-greenday.jpg[/pic]The GDA team is always thinking of new ways to entertain and inform all of you. The latest event on GDA is sure to do just that.
Starting today, all of you will be able to ... read story
Which album would you most like to see played live, front to back? Cast your vote, and tell us why in the comments below!
[poll=7239224 ... read story
[pic=Green Day are up against 30 Seconds to Mars]040313_mmm2.jpg[/pic]Yet again, Green Day has advanced in MTV's Musical March Madness competition and are now up against 30 Seconds To Mars.
Right now the voting is pretty neck and neck ... read story
[pic=Green Day is now up against Fun.]040113_mmm.jpg[/pic]Green Day has advanced to round three in MTV's Musical March Madness, defeating the Tegan & Sara in round two.
Green Day has taken an early lead in this week's vote against Fun ... read story
[pic=Green Day is now up against Tegan & Sara]032713_mmr2.jpg[/pic]Green Day has advanced to round 2 in MTV's Musical March Madness, defeating the Deftones by 20% of the vote in round 1.
The band is currently ahead in it's next match up ... read story
[pic=MTV's Musical March Madness]031813_mmm.jpg[/pic]Yep, it's that time of year again! Today marks the start of MTV's annual "Musical March Madness" competition. In round one Green Day are up against the Deftones and are currently in the ... read story
[pic=A Green Day LEGO concept]031013_gd-lego.jpg[/pic]A Green Day LEGO set? Not yet, but it's an idea from a user on LEGO Cuusoo, a site where users can submit their ideas for LEGO's next product.
User Gresh250 created this amazing ... read story
[pic=Green Day performing at the iHeart Radio Festival]010713_greendaylive.jpg[/pic]Currently, is holding a poll asking their readers what is their most anticipated early 2013 rock tour and Green Day is in the running.
... read story
[pic=Green Day's American Idiot nominated for 'Best Regional Production']120812_whatsonstage.jpg[/pic]Green Day fans, unite! Green Day is currently nominated for a "What's On Stage" Award - the only awards where fans and theatergoers have a ... read story