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Green Day's official fan club, Idiot Nation, has posted a new giveaway, exclusive to members of the club.
Idiot Nation is giving away copies of Tune In, Tokyo... on blue vinyl. The live EP from 2001 was recently released exclusively for ... read story
[pic=Tune In, Tokyo...]112814_tuneintokyo.jpg[/pic]Green Day's Tune In, Tokyo... was released for the first time on vinyl today as part of Black Friday Record Store Day. The live EP from 2001 is currently available at record stores across ... read story
Today, Adeline Records announced that it will be releasing a couple of interesting new vinyl pressings. First is Green Day's second album, Kerplunk, on green splatter vinyl. While that news would be cool enough, Adeline is also releasing ... read story
As we announced Tuesday, Green Day's 2001 live EP Tune In Tokyo will be released on blue vinyl for Black Friday Record Store Day on November 28th. On Wednesday, Planet Stereo, an online music blog, has un-earthed more details on the release ... read story
According to Wax Poetic, Green Day's 2001 EP Tune In, Tokyo will be re-released for the upcoming Black Friday Record Store Day.
Tune In, Tokyo is a Japan-only release that features seven live tracks from Green Day's Japanese tour in ... read story
Adeline Records posted on Facebook today that it will be discounting all the Green Day vinyl in its online store for 24 hours. This includes the majority of Green Day's albums, spare a small handful, and a couple of Adeline releases from ... read story
Most fans are at least somewhat familiar with Billie Joe's recording debut, a record called Look for Love that he recorded with his music teacher at age 5. If you weren't before, you are now! Since a very minuscule number of copies were ... read story
[pic=Six new pressings from Adeline Records]062314_adeline_warning_vinyl.jpg[/pic]Adeline Records has just listed 6 new variations of the Warning LP and two of its singles.
Warning LP - 1500 on Lime Green
Waiting 7'' - 500 on Clear ... read story
[pic=Rare Dookie promo vinyl]061914_rsz_dvinyl1.jpg[/pic]For sale this week is a rare promo vinyl record that was given to select radio stations prior to the release of Dookie in 1994, and later to a few contest winners. It was produced in ... read story
Adeline records has released a new 'smoke clear' vinyl pressing of Green Day's Warning. Their latest press is limited to 200 copies and available from their online store.
The vinyl is available for $16 ... read story
[pic=Warning on pink vinyl]041214_warningpink.jpg[/pic]Hot Topic has just put up an exclusive pressing of Green Day's 2000 album Warning. The album has been pressed on pink vinyl and is limited to only 1,500 copies, much like the other Hot ... read story
[pic=Waiting available on two new vinyl colors]032514_waiting.jpg[/pic]Adeline Records has just announced two new limited pressings of the Waiting 7" vinyl in clear neon pink and clear neon green. The pressing will be limited to 300 pink, ... read story
[pic="Holiday" picture disc]032314_rsz__12-2.jpg[/pic]Back in 2004 and 2005, Green Day released a slew of singles from the über-successful American Idiot album. Some of these included "American Idiot," "Wake Me Up When September Ends," " ... read story
[pic=Green Day's Warning]012414_warning.jpg[/pic]Last night, Adeline Records announced a pre-order for a repressing of Green Day's 2000 album Warning on Coke bottle vinyl.
Adeline is now taking pre-orders for $16 and have a limited ... read story
[pic=Shenanigans on grey vinyl]112013_shenangrey.jpg[/pic]Last month we reported on International Superhits being reissued at Hot Topic and now it's Shenanigans turn.
We hadn't heard about this so it was quite a surprise when a forum ... read story