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[pic=The bundle's cover]061813_rsz_81coc4lchql_sl1268_.jpg[/pic]Attention European fans, here's some news just for you, hot off the presses. Later this summer, a ¡TRÉ! + ¡CUATRO! bundle will be coming your way. This will (technically) be ... read story
Green Day have been included in a new collection of protest songs in Bono's ONE campaign, in a new initiative called agit8. The list is being launched with some 50 songs including music from Elvis Costello, Mumford & Sons, Tom Waits, and ... read story
[pic=Top 10 Lyrics from the trilogy ]060513_trilogy.jpg[/pic] As a whole, ¡UNO!, ¡DOS!, and ¡TRÉ! have perhaps the most imagery-rich lyrics in Green Day's entire catalogue. Billie Joe tackled many different emotional states in his ... read story
Green Day played "Missing You" for the first time at their show in London yesterday. Here's a (shaky) video of it:
[youtube=YCsoXLsmFP8 ... read story
[pic=Trilogy boards that are now back up for sale]050113_rsz_tumblr_inline_mklfuk6lzn1qz4rgp.jpg[/pic]Last month, we posted about some new trilogy-themed skate decks that Adeline Records is currently selling. The boards are part of a ... read story