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[pic=American Idiot musical tour to end this May]032214_musical.jpg[/pic]Last month a local station in Rochester, NY did an interview with Dan Tracy who currently stars as Tunny in the American Idiot musical. In the interview Tracy ... read story
[pic=Broadway Idiot artwork]101113_broadway.jpg[/pic]"Broadway Idiot" director, Doug Hamilton, was interviewed by Red Carpet News last October (not sure how we're just finding it) and talked about the (then upcoming) film "Broadway Idiot" ... read story
[pic=These Paper Bullets]030814_thesepaperbullets_billiejoe.jpg[/pic]The Courant has interviewed director Jackson Gay and writer Rolin Jones about the upcoming production, "These Paper Bullets," which premieres this Friday at Yale Rep ... read story
[caption=Broadway Idiot]101113_broadway.jpg[/caption]Idiot Nation is currently taking entries for a giveaway of Broadway Idiot, the documentary about Billie Joe's run through the American Idiot Musical.
The official fan club has five ... read story
[pic=Broadway Idiot on DVD]111113_rsz_broadwayidiot_dvdv2.jpg[/pic]One of the first questions that all of us asked when we first heard about the Broadway Idiot documentary was, "When will it be on DVD?!" We've now got an answer. Today, ... read story
[pic=Billie Joe on Broadway]101813_rsz_billie-joe-broadway-idiot-550.jpg[/pic]Tonight, Broadway Idiot will be showing at select theaters across the United States. In San Francisco, CA, the movie will be showing tonight at The Vogue theater ... read story
[pic=One night screenings]101513_onenightscreenings.jpg[/pic]After Broadway Idiot's official opening in New York city this past weekend, the film will begin touring the country opening in many theatre's across the United States. A handful ... read story
[pic=Film cover art]101113_broadway.jpg[/pic]Broadway Idiot, the documentary of Billie Joe's journey to Broadway, is now available for purchase (and to rent) from iTunes and Amazon and streaming from services such as Vudu and CinemaNow, ... read story
[pic=Green Day introducing Broadway Idiot last year at SXSW]100913_broadwayidiot.jpg[/pic]WIth only [turl=]two more days[/turl] until Green Day's "Broadway Idiot" documentary has it's official ... read story
[pic=Broadway Idiot poster]091913_broadwayidiotnew.jpg[/pic]Tickets for the opening weekend of Green Day's documentary film Broadway Idiot in New York City are now available for purchase from Fandango.
Tickets for the documentary are ... read story
[pic=Win tickets to Broadway Idiot in NYC]100313_gdagiveaway.jpg[/pic]With the official New York City premiere of Green Day's "Broadway Idiot" film [turl=]just over a week away[/turl], we're giving ... read story
[pic=Broadway Idiot poster]091913_broadwayidiotnew.jpg[/pic]Over the past few days a good amount of questions have surfaced about the opening of Green Day's documentary film "Broadway Idiot," so I decided to write up this post answering as ... read story
Rolling Stone has released a clip from Green Day's Broadway Idiot documentary which will [turl=]premiere[/turl] in New York City on October 11th.
In this clip we see Billie Joe working with the ... read story
Green Day has released a clip from their upcoming documentary Broadway Idiot where Billie Joe asks director Michael Mayer about Facebook.
More details about the film's official opening on October 11th in New York ... read story
[pic=Broadway Idiot poster]091913_broadwayidiotnew.jpg[/pic]Earlier today, announced that Green Day's documentary film, Broadway Idiot, would be kicking off New York City's CBGB Music and Film Festival on October 10th.
... read story