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Last year, a random studio video leaked online with snippets from what was supposed to be Green Day’s new album causing a stir among fans. The fervor only grew as videos, pictures, and snippets from Magnum Opus of the Inglorious Kind ... read story
If you're a longtime visitor to GDA you know we've been kind of slow in posting the latest Green Day news. The site is run by volunteers. Everyone who posts and maintains the site does so because they like Green Day and like being involved ... read story
Here we are at the end of our ten-day countdown. Our final release is a soundboard recording from a private show that Green Day performed for their friend at 924 Gilman Street on November 18th, 1992. This show marks the first known ... read story
The ninth installment of our Dookie celebration is not a performance (Surprise!) but a radio appearance! For almost a decade, this recording was thought to be lost. Here it is, back from the dead, an hour and a half of Green Day on KROQ’s ... read story
The eighth installment of our ten-day release is an audience recording from the Seattle Center in Seattle, Washington on September 11th, 1994. Green Day headlined End It, a benefit for Artists for a Hate Free America, sponsored by Seattle ... read story
The seventh installment of our celebration release is an audience recording from Slim’s in San Francisco, California on July 5th, 1994. This was the first show of the second leg of the North American tour. In the three-week break before ... read story
The sixth installment of our ten-day celebration release is an audience recording from Blind Mellon’s in Buffalo, New York. The sound is pretty rough, but it’s a small living remnant of another no-longer existing venue.
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The fifth installment in our celebration release is an audience recording from Graffiti Showcase in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on July 28th, 1994. Fans in attendance recall this as the most overcrowded show they have ever seen.
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The fourth installment of our celebration release is an audience recording from Green Day’s first show in Nebraska at the Ranch Bowl in Omaha on July 14th, 1994. The Ranch Bowl was a unique venue as it doubled as a bowling alley. ... read story
The third installment of our celebration release is another Lollapalooza show from the Olympic Velodrome in Carson, California on September 5th, 1994. This was the last show of the Lollapalooza tour. While the full audience recording is ... read story
The second installment of our celebration release is an audience recording from the Lollapalooza tour’s stop in Charlotte, North Carolina on August 11th, 1994. This was two shows before Green Day’s legendary Woodstock performance, but ... read story
On February 1st, it will be the 25th anniversary of Dookie's release. To celebrate this occasion, GDA will be posting never-before-heard recordings from the Dookie era every day for TEN days leading up to Dookie's anniversary!
To kick ... read story
If you're a longtime visitor to GDA you know we've been kind of slow in posting the latest Green Day news. The site is run by volunteers. Everyone who posts and maintains the site does so because they like Green Day and like being involved ... read story
[pic=Letterbomb Vol.2: A Revrad Review]120918_Zine_option.jpg[/pic] Back in April 2017, we began working on the latest edition of GDA's zine to recap all the news and events that happened with Green Day and our community of during the ... read story
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