[youtube=ylP2ItedGhU] Thanks to [@Bastard_Of_1967] for sending this over on Twitter ... read story
If you're going to see Green Day in concert this year (or have recently), we'd love for you to send in your photos so we can post them up in our photos section and tour sections to share with other fans. Send them over to photos@ ... read story
We came across these Green Day drawings on Instagram and thought they look awesome enough that we had to share them. All drawn by Alex Confesor Benítez. If you're an artist tag us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter so we can share your art ... read story
A day before their concert, Green Day took some time to meet with some fans waiting around and sign some autographs. meant to post these several days ago but yet here we are nonetheless I think it's pretty awesome to see Green Day meeting ... read story
Green Day fans around the world have sent in photos to share their Green Day inspired tattoos. We've updated the photos section with more, check out a few below. If you'd like to share you tattoo, send it to photos@greendayauthority.com ... read story
Rabea Massaad and Matt Hornby attempt to sound like Green Day Billie Joe using only equipment from Anderton's Music Co. They explain the guitars, amps, and pedals purchased within a budget. Bits of Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Good Riddance ... read story
[pic=Winning pumpkin entry]103116_jIws5jr.png[/pic] Over the last week and a bit, we have been asking visitors to put their pumpkin carving skills to the test and submit their best Green Day pumpkins for a chance to win a Revolution Radio ... read story
In celebration of American Idiot's release 12 years ago we'd like to share this article published on Alt Press. Written by someone who was 11 years old at the time the album was released, they reflect on the themes of American Idiot as they ... read story
Minority 905 recently covered "Revolution Radio" and did a very kick-ass job of it. Check out the cover below. [youtube=4PZITz_250I] The same band did a great cover of "Bang Bang" last month, and a medley of Green Day's entire ... read story
I really love the drums on "Bang Bang", so I was very happy to check out some covers uploaded to YouTube. Check out the cover below by 'Matt Wilson Drummer' [youtube=GYilslCSmvE] Matt has a couple other Green Day drum covers if you're ... read story
A member of our forum michidookie recorded this and we thought it was odd, but hilarious. Enjoy. [youtube=aLsadhiIM9Q ... read story
[youtube=4fg71JI4sdE] Youtuber Roberto Carregal uploaded this cover of "Bang Bang" and shared it on our forum. I'm always happy to share some quality Green Day covers. If you guys come across any really good ones, email them to us at ... read story
The popular Sparrow Sleeps duo has released a new album of Green Day lullaby songs titled Hypersomniac. The 10-track album features lullaby renditions of top Green Day songs, including "When I Come Around," "Welcome to Paradise," " ... read story
A member on our forum, angry_robot, has drawn and shared this incredible Green Day poster filled with references to every song in the band's catalog, plus additional references to artwork, videos, and more Green Day-related items. As she ... read story
As we posted about a few weeks ago, artist and graphic designer Doug Dean has been working on a project he calls #30GreenDays. The project is a visual representation of 30 Green Day songs every day this month. Doug is using the campaign as ... read story
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