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Fan Stuff

Fans from around the world have been making the Green Day pilgrimage to the Bay Area for many years. Their roots are everywhere, in sites so ordinary and irrelevant to everyone else, yet rich in history to fans. This year I finally ... read story
A fan's husband has shared a VHS Billie Joe sent to her in 1996. Despite hanging up on him twice when he tried to call, she received the tape in response to her persistent fan letters, Valentine's Day cards and more. In the video, Billie ... read story
Congratulations to Berber for winning our 2017 Green Day Christmas Ornament contest with their awesome 'Blue' ornament.
Be sure to check out all the entries from this year and past contests here
We would like to thank everyone who ... read story
Hey fans! By now, you have most likely heard about our upcoming RevRad Era Recap Zine, which will be taking a look back at the first year and a half of the Revolution Radio era. We have been hard at work on this project for awhile, and ... read story
By now, you may well have heard about our upcoming RevRad Era Recap Zine, which will be taking a look back at the first year and a half of the Revolution Radio era. We've been working on this for a while, but now we'd really like YOU to be ... read story
Hey fans! Have you been to a show during this past Revolution Radio tour? We would like to hear about it. We’ve started work on our GDA zine, Letterbomb Vol. 2 (here is the first one if you’re curious), and would like to include your ... read story
Over the last week we have been asking visitors to put their design skills to the test and submit their best Green Day related wallpaper for a chance to win a shirt of their choice from the Official Green Day store (valued at $24.99 or less ... read story
Designers, we need your help once again. We are looking for some new wallpapers to add to GDA's Wallpaper section so naturally we're having another contest. What's in it for you? A shirt of your choice from the Official Green Day store ( ... read story
Recently, Spotify asked Green Day fans to submit their covers of "Basket Case" to help them with 'something awesome'. They've now released a video combining these covers into one to create what may well be the ultimate "Basket Case" cover ... read story
Looking for something to do on this lovely Sunday? Spotify is asking you, the biggest Green Day fan, to submit your cover of "Basket Case" for their awesome project.
To submit a video, fans can a provide a link to the video from ... read story
Green Day fan and YouTuber Mason Dayot has had some pretty great Green Day covers recently and we think you guys should check them out.
Holiday (with a nice Say Goodbye medley)
Forever Now
[youtube= ... read story
Green Day fan 'awkiscool' is selling their entire Green Day collection on eBay. There's about 24 hours left on most items, so check them out today.
Here are a few of the items below, go check out all the listings.
[url=http://www. ... read story
YouTuber rakugakicho has remixed "Oh Love" in a more "pop-punk" style. Check it out and let us know in the comments what you think about this version compared to the original.
[youtube=By64WvZizm8 ... read story
Thanks to [@Bastard_Of_1967] for sending this over on Twitter ... read story
If you're going to see Green Day in concert this year (or have recently), we'd love for you to send in your photos so we can post them up in our photos section and tour sections to share with other fans.
Send them over to photos@ ... read story
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