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This week, we're featuring some very cool eBay items that are fairly rare, and pretty hard to get ahold of: 99 Revolutions tour guitar picks. The picks in these auctions are exactly the same as the picks that Idiot Nation has given away on ... read story
[pic=New ¡DOS! and ¡TRÉ! tab books]041613_rsz_tabbooks.jpg[/pic]Just recently, music printing company Hal Leonard listed guitar tab books for the last two albums of Green Day's recent trilogy. Back in February, an ¡UNO! tab book was ... read story
[pic=Uno... Dos... Tré! compilation]112812_udt-comp.jpg[/pic]iTunes is now taking pre-orders for a new Green Day compilation, titled Uno... Dos... Tré!.
The album is due out December 11th, the same day as ¡Tré, and is a compilation of ... read story
This week, we're posting about eBay stuff a day early, since one of the items we want to feature ends on Monday. With purchase of a vinyl copy of ¡Dos!, some extra promo items were also given out. Things like sticker sets, lithographs, and ... read story
[pic=¡Dos! debutes at #9 on Billboard]112412_dosbillboard.jpg[/pic]¡Dos!, Green Day's newest album released November 13th, has debuted on Billboards Top 200 chart at number 9. The album sold nearly 70,000 copies in the United States ... read story
[pic=¡Dos!]111512_rsz_green-day-dos-cover-1024x1024.jpg[/pic]Just a few days after the release of ¡Dos!, some major music outlets are already posting their reviews.
Alternative Press - (4 stars):
One shocker in this review: "Wild One" ... read story
When Green Day sat down with VMusic in August to discuss their forthcoming trilogy of albums, ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, and ¡Tré!, Billie described the three albums with a mere couple of sentences, "To me, it's just a bunch of really good songs ... read story
[pic=Billie Joerecently posted this photo on Instagram]111312_rsz_f59647302b6f11e2a7ed22000a1f8f24_7.jpg[/pic]Green Day's second new album in under two months, ¡Dos!, is released today in the US! The album is well worth what the wait has ... read story
A few days ago, we [turl=]posted[/turl] asking you guys to help get the word out about ¡Dos!, which drops worldwide in under three hours. So far the outpour has been tremendous with the support ... read story
[pic=Let's promote ¡Dos! ourselves!]111012_profilepic.jpg[/pic]Are you all ready for the official release of the next installment in the Green Day trilogy, ¡Dos!, on Tuesday? That better be a "hell yes," as far as I'm concerned.
With the ... read story
[pic=¡Dos! on black vinyl]110812_dosvinyl.jpg[/pic]Now here's a little something special for all of you vinyl lovers out there. It looks like if you ordered ¡Dos! on vinyl you'll be able to hear "Drama Queen" off of ¡Tre! about a month ... read story
NME has released Green Day's newest music video. This one is for the current single off ¡Dos!, "Stray Heart."
[youtube=sN0b-adUt9I ... read story
[pic=¡Dos! album artwork]100512_dosartwork.jpg[/pic]Green Day's second album in their three album trilogy, ¡Dos! is now being streamed on week early on Rolling
On ¡Dos! Green Day serves up a short but sweet platter of ... read story
The Idiot Club is reporting that Green Day's video for "Stray Heart," the first single from ¡Dos!, will be making its world debut tomorrow morning at 9:00am EST Wednesday morning.
At the moment, it is unknown where it'll premiere. Though ... read story
[pic=EW's "Must List"]110212_ew.jpg[/pic]Entertainment Weekly has had the chance to listen to and review ¡Dos!.
EW gives the album a B+, despite some not-good yet not-bad things to say about it. This was more of a commentary than a ... read story
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