News Categories

To celebrate the release of Father of All Motherfuckers, iHeartRadio is holding an album release party with Green Day. The band will perform live at the iHeartRadio Theater in Los Angeles on February 7th.
Luckily, LiveXLive will stream ... read story
To celebrate the upcoming release of the new GDA Zine Letterbomb Vol.2, we are giving away 3 copies through social media. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for 3 chances to win! Check in each day for details on ... read story
[pic=Winning pumpkin entry]110218_3.jpg[/pic]Last week, we asked visitors to put their pumpkin carving skills to the test and submit their best Green Day pumpkins for a chance to win a Green Day American Idiot collection Titans Vinyl figure ... read story
Halloween is just around the corner, that means that it is time for the GDA pumpkin carving contest. So if you are thinking of carving a couple pumpkins into Green Day related shapes we want to see them!
Send us a photo of your best ... read story
[pic=]063018_Dg4U9bZU8AA6kqo.jpg[/pic] 1-2-3-4 Go! Records are holding a contest for the chance to win a rare vinyl test pressing of the Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk
All you have to do is post a photo or video of yourself ... read story
Congratulations to Berber for winning our 2017 Green Day Christmas Ornament contest with their awesome 'Blue' ornament.
Be sure to check out all the entries from this year and past contests here
We would like to thank everyone who ... read story
Houses are becoming elaborate light displays, trees are being decorated and the stockings are being hung over the fireplace. It's official, the holiday season is upon us!
Allow us to present the Green Day Christmas Ornament Contest. ... read story
Over the last week we have been asking visitors to put their design skills to the test and submit their best Green Day related wallpaper for a chance to win a shirt of their choice from the Official Green Day store (valued at $24.99 or less ... read story
Designers, we need your help once again. We are looking for some new wallpapers to add to GDA's Wallpaper section so naturally we're having another contest. What's in it for you? A shirt of your choice from the Official Green Day store ( ... read story
Congratulations to Savannah W. who won our "Revolution Radio" shirt contest!
For those who want to get themselves the shirt, it is now available to buy through Spreadshirt. The shirt is available in any color you would like and shipping ... read story
Green Day and Shazam have teamed up to giveaway an autographed Revolution Radio vinyl and a pair of Audeze professional headphones. For those that don't know, Shazam is an app that lets you identify songs with your phone as they're playing ... read story
Green Day has partnered up with TuneSpeak to giveaway free tickets to a number of US and Canadian shows. To enter, visit and click "Enter to Win" on the show you'd like to enter. After registering an account (it can use your ... read story
Green Day has announced another show in the United Kingdom during their summer tour, this one taking place at the Sheffield Arena on July 3rd. Rancid will be the opening band.
Tickets go on sale this Friday, February 17th on Gigs And ... read story
After the success of our Billie Joe posters, we decided to take things just a little further.
We'll now be selling good ol' fashioned campaign buttons! They feature the same optimistic Billie Joe portrait as our posters, which we ... read story
Last month we asked visitors to [url=]submit their design for a Revolution Radio inspired t-shirt[/url] and the staff has chosen their top 5. Now it's time for you guys to vote for your favorite ... read story
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