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The November issue of Rolling Stone magazine feature, Musicians on Musicians, will feature a conversation with Billie Eilish & Billie Joe ... read story
Ultimate has been running a series of "Complete Guides" to individual songs and they've featured Green Day's "Holiday" off American Idiot for their 3rd feature. The feature talks about the song's chart history (#1 Mainstream Rock ... read story
Green Day is featured on the cover of Kerrang magazine which is coming out next Wednesday. The article titled "Revolution in the UK" teases an interview with the band as they prep for their shows in the UK next weekend.
The magazine can ... read story
During last night's performance of "Bang Bang" Green Day started chanting "No KKK, No Facsict USA, No Trump", and of course the internet noticed. Green Day was trending worldwide on both Facebook and Twitter and a flood of articles from ... read story
In celebration of American Idiot's release 12 years ago we'd like to share this article published on Alt Press. Written by someone who was 11 years old at the time the album was released, they reflect on the themes of American Idiot as they ... read story
[pic=Courtesy of Frank Maddocks]100716_billie-joe-armstrong.jpg[/pic]Entertainment Weekly has a new feature on Billie Joe! To celebrate the release of Revolution Radio yesterday, they got some personal music recommendations from the man ... read story
Over the past few days, reviews of Green Day's 12th studio album Revolution Radio have been rolling out on the web from music, news, and culture websites.
Check out a selection of those reviews that we've found below. The general ... read story
You thought you were excited for Green Day's upcoming album Revolution Radio right? Well, think again.
Rolling Stone this morning has published a track-by-track review of the album, breaking down each track and providing subject matter, ... read story
Green Day are featured on the cover of the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone magazine.
As is usual when the band starts up another album cycle, there's an in-depth feature article in the magazine. The physical magazine will be in ... read story
Green Day is featured in the newest issue of Kerrang! Magazine, which came out today. The magazine flew out to California to interview the band about a variety of topics such as "Bang Bang," Revolution Radio, their mood and outlook, and so ... read story
As we mentioned yesterday, an article about Green Day will be included in the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone.
This morning, the pop culture magazine's website posted a little preview of Revolution Radio and an in-depth interview with ... read story
In Defense of Green Day.
As part of Consequence of Sound's monthly column titled Punk as Fuck, writer Patrick Brennan discusses, in his eye, the issues in punk music and culture. With Green Day's imminent release of "BANG BANG" tomorrow, ... read story
Rolling Stone's Instagram account has posted the cover of their next issue and a new Green Day article is mentioned on the cover.
The article is titled "Green Day: Back from Hell," which is certainly a play on the 2013 Rolling Stone ... read story
Since last night's announcement of Green Day's new single "Bang Bang," various music news outlets have reported on the news and Billie Joe's Instagram post. Check out the growing list of articles below. It's great to see Green Day in the ... read story
Billboard recently speculated about whether or not a new album from Green Day could go on to be a big success. The author also highlighted what they'd like to see from the band.
[quote]Billie Joe Armstrong welcomed 2016 by saying he ... read story
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