iPod anyone?
By Tyke /Jan. 3, 2006 / Comments

We're looking for you people out there who are really talented in drawing or graphic design. What we need is logo for GDA. Make sure to read the rules so we don't get entries that aren't even what we are looking for. Make sure to include you name and email address so if you are to win, we can contact you. The contest will run until Feb. 28, and the winner will win a 4GB iPod Nano. Click here for more.
Vote for Green Day in Punk Radio Cast Top 40 Countdown.
Read more about Green Day beginning to work on their new album. [x]
Billie Joe recorded a song, "Mechanical Man", for the upcoming movie Live Freaky Die Freaky. We have posted this song for you to download in the extra media section. You'll also find the lyrics posted there. You can watch a clip of Billie recording the song here. We'll put that up for download soon.