As we mentioned a couple weeks ago, we now have 'Green Day Authority' and 'Green Day Community'[turl=] t-shirts available[/turl]. For the folks who pre-ordered, your shirts will begin shipping later this week (an email will be sent to you once it's on it's way).

T-shirts are $15 each, plus shipping, and go to helping support GDA. We got some of the first shirts in, which came out pretty fucking awesome - so I wanted to share some better quality pictures of them for those you that wanted a clearer idea of what the shirts look like.

[turl=]Visit the merch page to order[/turl].

We have both mens and womens sizes available, from small to 2XL. If you order today, your shirt will be ordered in the next batch, and will be shipped next week.

Thanks to everyone who's [turl=]ordered[/turl] so far!

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