A fan's husband has shared a VHS Billie Joe sent to her in 1996. Despite hanging up on him twice when he tried to call, she received the tape in response to her persistent fan letters, Valentine's Day cards and more. In the video, Billie shows her fan mail and a flyer he's including in the package.

Here's the full story from her husband, Reddit user Jmsmnn:

You can watch the video on his Instagram, @james.mann.547.
What do you think? Have you ever sent fan mail? Discuss the video in the thread on GDC.

Here's the full story from her husband, Reddit user Jmsmnn:
In 1996 Billie Joe Armstrong took time to call my wife when she was 15. She would send him letters often. One day he called her house to thank her," he shared. "Being a young girl from a small town, she couldn’t believe it was really him so she assumed it was a prank call and hung up on him. His wife immediately called back to try to convince her it was real. She hung up on her too. A week or so later a package showed up with a video in it. In the video he held up the letters she had sent him and thanked her for them.

You can watch the video on his Instagram, @james.mann.547.
What do you think? Have you ever sent fan mail? Discuss the video in the thread on GDC.