Kerrang review and 20 Minutos interview with Tre
By Clover /Oct. 28, 2009 / Comments
Kerrang! reviewed Green Day's show at The Odyssey Arena in Belfast. You can read the article below [via]:

20 Minutos, a Spanish news site, interviewed Tre recently. It's a simple Q&A touching on subjects like fame, why they chose to do another rock-opera, and some other stuff about music. If you know Spanish, you can read the interview here. If not, "sara_gd" from our forums kindly provided a translation to English, which you can read on the forum.
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20 Minutos, a Spanish news site, interviewed Tre recently. It's a simple Q&A touching on subjects like fame, why they chose to do another rock-opera, and some other stuff about music. If you know Spanish, you can read the interview here. If not, "sara_gd" from our forums kindly provided a translation to English, which you can read on the forum.
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La fama hace que a veces nos sintamos como si fueramos Mickey Mouse - 20 Minutos