Vote for your favorite Green Day ornament
Dec. 26, 2013 / Comments
Here are the top 10 entries of our Green Day ornament contest. The winner will receive $20 worth of merch (their choice) from the official Green Day store, vote for your favorite.
The winner will be announced on Monday December 30th.
The winner will be announced on Monday December 30th.
1) Amber

2) Aminta

3) Anastasia

4) Anna-Maria

5) Aukje

6) Matt

7) Nayeli

8) Restlessheart

9) Undarum

10) Wesley

2) Aminta

3) Anastasia

4) Anna-Maria

5) Aukje

6) Matt

7) Nayeli

8) Restlessheart

9) Undarum

10) Wesley
