Article, New Website, Adeline Announcement, Website Updates
By Courtney /Apr. 12, 2002 / Comments
Well let's start off with the Green Day news. recently reported that Green Day will donate proceeds from their April 29th performance at the Oakland Arena to Children's Hospital in Oakland.
Read the article @ LAUNCH. Billie Joe's record company, Adeline Records has announced that One Time Angels will be playing along side of blink-182, Green Day, and Jimmy Eat World on April 21st (Irvine Meadows, Irvine), April 27th (Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View), and April 28th (Sacramento Valley Amphitheater, Sacramento). Also look for a new compilation CD from Adeline Records which will be including a brand spankin' new Green Day song. That album is scheduled for release on June 18th. The long awaited offical Pop Disaster Tour Website has finally launched, check it out at There is also another Pop Disaster Website located at As for website updates, the picture you see here was added to the Pictures page. I made 2 more little code images, both of which were added to the Link Us page. Two new Concert Reviews were added and also a new fan was added to the Fan List. Forms were added to submit info to the Links page and also the Fan List. I figure those forms will make it easier on me and on you. My guestbook still isn't working, who knows what the fuck is up with that. I might consider getting a new guestbook, but I want one that I can design all my the one I have already. :\ In case anyone was wondering, I finished up my Billie Joe Project. What's that? It's my drawing of Billie Joe (view my drawing) all framed and dolled up. I'm planning on sending to him sometime in the future. I'll get that picture up for you sometime this weekend in case you are interested. I noticed I didn't have the original picture on here, God knows why because it was in my ZIP file archives. So I uploaded that and put it on the Pictures page as well. But for a quick link, if you wanna compare it with my drawing click here. Well that's about all for today. Have a fun weekend and get drunk for me, ok? Since everything around here is always the same, I'll probably be sitting on my ass all weekend.