My Concert Experience Last Night, Spin Article
By Courtney /Apr. 2, 2002 / Comments
So last night me, Thad, and my best friend Kate went to see Sum 41 accompanied by H2O and Autopilot Off.
The show I went to at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia was the first of the Sum Like It Hot Tour. The show was awesome! I never heard of Autopilot Off and H2O and I found myself buying their CDs. If you're going to a date on this tour you will not be disappointed. I was right up front, but the problem is that they padded us down and wouldn't let us take cameras in. So I'll steal some pictures from different sources and put them on my Photo Album page soon enough. If you want to read a review of the show I was at, head on over to VH1. Thanks to Lloyd from Green Day Fansite for bringing that review to my attention. If you would like to see that Spin Magazine article click here (it was also added to the Pictures Archive). Also if you would like to see the Pop Disaster Tour flyers they had out last night (I grabbed a stack of them), click here. The one I scanned is pink, but I grabbed all different blue and orange. They are basically promotional flyers because Y100 is sponsoring Pop Disaster when it comes to Philly. They also sponsored the concert I was at last night. No real Green Day news today. Tomorrow (April 3) the people in Japan will be able to catch them on the 3rd date of their mini tour at The Rainbow Hall in Nagoya, Japan. You lucky SOBs! :) Well, that's all for today. If you would like to talk to me about my wonderful concert experience, if you were there, or anything else, feel free to e-mail me. BTW, one person was added to the Fan List.