Stupid stinking humans! HELLOOO out there in Green Day land. Ok so that was lame. Wait no it wasn't. If you think it was lame then I have 2 words for you: fuck you. Now that we understand each other, I'll get on with the update. Billie Joe updated his audio message at
Greenday.com today. He has a hangover. Speaking of
Greenday.com, they added a picture section called
Doobie's Photos. They are live pictures from some guy named Doobie's personal collection. I was sooo fucking incrediably bored last night I made a new
quotes page. Sure it has Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre quotes, but it also has quotes from famous people, and me and my wonderfully delightful friends. The links for the new page isn't updated to all the other pages yet, because I am to lazy to do that right now. I recently did a "involuntary study" on which songs are overplayed on the radio and I'm SICK AND TIRED OF FUCKING HEARING THE SAME DAMN SONGS ALL THE TIME. So through the magic of me having to listen to the radio all day at work, I complied the top 5 overplayed songs on my radio stations. Drumroll please...
5. 'Hero' - Enrique *cringe*
4. 'Blurry' - Puddle of Mudd
3. 'Wish You Were Here' - Incubus
2. 'Wherever You Will Go' - The Calling
And the #1 overplayed song in America is....'How You Remind Me' by Nickelback!
So I will shut my fucking face now, but I have to rant sometimes. Anyway have fun on my web site yada yada yada, and if you love me you'll go vote for The Green Day Authority at the
XFS Challenge. The Green Day Authority. Always tellin' it like it is.