Pinhead "Greatest Hits" and albums re-release
Feb. 5, 2009 / Comments

Equally exciting is that the entire Pinhead discography will be released on both vinyl and CD a bit later in the year on Recess. They're currently aiming for an early fall release of the 5 albums (August or September). The albums are: Jump Salty, Carry The Banner, Goodbye Ellston Ave, Compulsive Disclosure, and Shoot The Moon.
I'll admit that I still don't have any full older albums from them. I've downloaded a few songs that I've come across and really liked, but aside from the new "7"" I haven't bought any others. I'm pretty excited to see all these re-released, they'll be much easier to purchase - and I'm happy a "Greatest Hits" is coming out. Good way to introduce people to some of their other stuff.
You can read up on the Recess Records site (the list and release dates are toward the bottom, on the right, under the header "Upcoming Releases). [Thanks mplsloseroftheyear for posting this info on the forum]