New photo of Billie Joe in Oakland, CA
Jan. 22, 2009 / Comments
Billie Joe was recently at the Uptown Club in Oakland, CA watching a friends band, and this fan had the chance to be introduced to him and took a photo. I think this is the latest photo we've seen of any band members since the AP article.

[Source: shrinkle | Via NothingWrongWithMe]
For those of you fans interested in getting a few rare vinyls, there's a user on the forum who's parting ways with a few of his old Green Day vinyls to help pay for his tuition. He's selling the Slappy vinyl, 1000 Hours vinyl, and a Longview UK vinyl. He didn't post prices, just asked for people to message him with their offer. He wants a real fan to end up with these vinyls, not some random person on eBay who'll probably just re-sell them to make a profit. If you're interested, read this thread on the forum and you can send him a Personal Message there.

[Source: shrinkle | Via NothingWrongWithMe]
For those of you fans interested in getting a few rare vinyls, there's a user on the forum who's parting ways with a few of his old Green Day vinyls to help pay for his tuition. He's selling the Slappy vinyl, 1000 Hours vinyl, and a Longview UK vinyl. He didn't post prices, just asked for people to message him with their offer. He wants a real fan to end up with these vinyls, not some random person on eBay who'll probably just re-sell them to make a profit. If you're interested, read this thread on the forum and you can send him a Personal Message there.