New section for 'Other Crew' and Green Day on AP Mag
Nov. 15, 2008 / Comments
J'net has been working to update and re-do the Other Crew section, where we have short summaries of the other people who work with Green Day (producers/tour musicians). Check it out and we'd like to hear what you guys think. Leave some comments with your opinion about it if you like it or if you'd like to see something more there.
Annie wrote in to let us know that Green Day will be on the January 2009 cover of Alternative Press. On their site right now they ask "Who's gonna be the most anticipated album of 2009" and while the cover only shows their silhouettes, I think it's kinda obvious that it's the guys from Green Day. I'm really looking forward to this article, because it looks like AP was able to sit down with the band and hopefully we'll see a proper interview about the new material. Here's what one of the editors wrote:

I can't speak for the other editors, but I am f*cking pumped as sh*t for Green Day. They're one of my all-time favorite bands and I am totally honored we were able to secure them for this issue. They're not talking to anyone else; only us. It's very, very flattering and exciting. (And the story itself, written by former AP editorial director Aaron Burgess, is an awesome read.)