Walking after dark
In the New York City park
Your thoughts are so unholy
In the holiest of holes
Onward Christian soldier
Filled with jive and mind control
The blood left on the dance floor
Running running red
The bullet that you asked for
Killing you to death
Unless you
Someone kill the DJ
Shoot the fucking DJ
The voices in my head are saying
Shoot that fucker down
We are the vultures
The dirtiest kind
The culture war's
In your heart and your mind
Walking after dark
In the New York City park
Beer goggles left in the club
A pocket full of pills
Sodom and Gommorah
In the century of thrills
The blood left on the dance floor
Running running red
The bullet that you asked for
Killing you to death
Unless you
Someone kill the DJ
Shoot the fucking DJ
Hold him under water
'til the mother fucker drowns
We are the vultures
The dirtiest kind
The culture war's
In your heart and your mind
Someone's gonna get you, boy
Shoot that fucker down
Someone kill the DJ
Shoot the fucking DJ
(Walking after dark)
Shoot that fucker down
Someone kill the DJ
Shoot the fucking DJ
Voices in my head are saying
Shoot that fucker down
In the New York City park
Your thoughts are so unholy
In the holiest of holes
Onward Christian soldier
Filled with jive and mind control
The blood left on the dance floor
Running running red
The bullet that you asked for
Killing you to death
Unless you
Someone kill the DJ
Shoot the fucking DJ
The voices in my head are saying
Shoot that fucker down
We are the vultures
The dirtiest kind
The culture war's
In your heart and your mind
Walking after dark
In the New York City park
Beer goggles left in the club
A pocket full of pills
Sodom and Gommorah
In the century of thrills
The blood left on the dance floor
Running running red
The bullet that you asked for
Killing you to death
Unless you
Someone kill the DJ
Shoot the fucking DJ
Hold him under water
'til the mother fucker drowns
We are the vultures
The dirtiest kind
The culture war's
In your heart and your mind
Someone's gonna get you, boy
Shoot that fucker down
Someone kill the DJ
Shoot the fucking DJ
(Walking after dark)
Shoot that fucker down
Someone kill the DJ
Shoot the fucking DJ
Voices in my head are saying
Shoot that fucker down
Song Meaning
"I think the line 'kill the DJ' is more a take on all these opinions you get when you watch television these days -- anything from Bill Maher to Bill O'Reilly: culture wars and all that; the static noise that keeps coming at you. And there's that moment where you just say, 'Shut the fuck up!' That's my take on it: 'Just give me fuckin' peace.'" -- Billie Joe
In addition to the themes that Billie Joe describes, the lines about "beer goggles" and a "pocket full of pills" are meant to paint a picture of a party that has gone too far, and the narrator questions whether he is comfortable with that or not.
In addition to the themes that Billie Joe describes, the lines about "beer goggles" and a "pocket full of pills" are meant to paint a picture of a party that has gone too far, and the narrator questions whether he is comfortable with that or not.
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Kill The DJ