One of the most frequently searched for items on GDA is "The Network". I decided to put up a link under "The Band" on the left side to a page we created last year with info about the band. Along with that page, you can find photos of the band right here.

On April 21st there will be a live auction on eBay for a signed Gibon Billie Joe Signature Guitar. The starting bid is $400, and all the proceedes for the guitar will go to benefit Music Rising. has an article about the plant named after Green Day that we mentioned earlier this month.

I'd like to give my sincerest thanks to all the people who have donated to GDA this month. We're getting really close to our goal, so thank you all for the help.
Mike's signature Bass guitar is being released in a Squier P Bass model, and is set to arrive April 27th. It's currently priced at $249, which is much more affordable than the original Precision Bass ($699). - Click here for details to to ... read story has posted up the 3rd and final day of the Armstrongs and company in New Orleans. The last batch of photos from there have been put up in the Picture Vault.A short quote from Billie's post: I want to come back and build again. ... read story posted up Day 2 of Billie and family in New Orleans. Here's an excerpt from Billie Joe's post:Another special moment today was the ice cream truck passing by. All the kids (and grownups) ran the truck down for a hot afternoon ... read story
Billie Joe and his family are in New Orleans volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. They are posting updates & pictures about it on the Green Day MySpace. Here is Billie Joe's update for today:Today we worked at the upper 9th ward. I hung ... read story
We finally have some more GDA Stickers up for sale. As usual they are $1, and this is the sticker we have available. We are only accepting online payments (cred/debit and PayPal). The last batch we had sold well, so I plan on keeping these ... read story
Happy Easter! What better way to celebrate today than with Green Day decorated eggs? We already have a few up in the picture vault. If you decorate a Green Day egg, take a picture and email it to us, Please ... read story
Happy 20th Birthday to the always sexy Tyke ... read story
A botanist from Switzerland emailed the NRDC to let them know of a plant he and his students discovered and named after Green Day. The plant, named Macrocarpaea dies-viridis (dies-viridis is Latin for Green Day), was found in February 2006 ... read story
Our wonderful visitors have been emailing us some pretty random stuff to help fill the seemingly large void in Green Day news. We expected an update from the band last month, but it never came through. Don't know why, but we're still ... read story
Welcome to Paradise is being used in the trailer for the new animated movie 'Surfs Up' coming out June 8th. Click here to watch the trailer.There is a small Green Day poster in this weeks issue of Kerrang! Magazine. Here's a scan. The new ... read story
The new Green Day + NRDC video featuring Adrienne has finally been posted. The video includes the 100 photos sent in by fans, and has Adrienne talking about Green Day, why she supports the NRDC, and the simple things people can do to help ... read story
I've been up at my parents for Spring Break this past week. There will be an update next Monday with everything I've missed thus far. Sorry for the lack of updates, with school and other things going on it's been tough to update the site. ... read story
Green Day + NRDC is putting the final touches on the new video featuring Adrienne and 100 photos of Green Day + NRDC activists. They sent out emails to the folks who got selected, and sent emails to the folks who didn't get selected, ... read story
Green Day will be recording the John Lennon song "Working Class Hero" (original: lyrics | video) for the upcoming CD 'Instant Karma'. A video for the song is also expected. The album is being produced to benefit Amnesty International ... read story
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