Green Day was nominated for the Wake Me Up video in the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards. You guys need to go vote for them here. GO VOTE! It's already been nearly two years since American Idiot was released, I know us fans are capable of getting in one more award for them.
The new 2007 Green Day calendar is now for sale here. It's $14.54 or £7.99. It looks pretty cool. Once we get ours in we'll try getting a couple scans up.
Not too much going on in the Green Day world today. If you're really bored and want to read anything about them, there are a couple of articles online that slightly mention them here and here.As I mentioned a couple of days ago I've been ... read story
Hey everyone. Over the past few days lots of you have been emailing us asking why you couldn't register on the forum. We had to close down registrations for a bit because of some problems, but it's open. So if you'd like to register, we ... read story
The new album reviews section is up. The layout is almost the same as before (with the exception of the index), but I re-did all the code so it's much easier for me to update that section more frequently. In each review you'll see a " ... read story
In this article from 'The Vancouver Sun' they talk about the "10 Drummers Who Made a Difference" - the list initially inspired to them while thinking about Tré when he joined Green Day. From the article Remember Green Day before ... read story
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates in a few days. I'm trying to setup a new system for album reviews and band of the week - but it's taking me a lot longer than I thought it would.Nothing much in Green Day news. This Friday is the ... read story
The winner for yesterday's contest has been notified, so congratulations to Scott on winning the autographed photo! We thank you all for participating in yesterday's contest, we had a lot of fun with it.In Green Day news: As you guys ... read story
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!! Today is GDA's 5th Anniversary, and we're very excited that the site has made it this far. Over the years this site has grown into something much bigger than I ever thought it would, and I've only been here for two ... read story
As promised a week ago, the new "Band of the Week" section is up, and the first band to be featured is 'The Living End'. Click here to visit the new section. We're giving away a copy of their CD, details are on that page. I've put up a ... read story
Congratulations to Sarah (entry #4) on winning our Prosthetic Head contest. The runner up was Jeff (entry #5). Our thanks to everyone who participated and voted in this contest. You guys can still listen to the entries on the contest page. ... read story
Green Day has been nominated in three categories in the Esteemed Kerrang Rock Video Honours List. You can vote for "Wake Me Up" in Budget Buster, vote for Billie Joe as Rock God, and you can vote for 'American Idiot' as Rocks Greatest Video ... read story
We've added a new section to our forum called On The Road. It will be a section for people to talk about shows they've been to, tours they're looking forward to, etc. Not just Green Day, all bands. The section also has a Calendar where ... read story
Today is the last day to vote in the contest, so vote if you haven't.The forum is back up online.Update 2:09AM July 8th: Voting for the contest is now closed. The winner will be announced Monday - July 10th ... read story
We have added a new section to our forum for people to submit links. It's a pretty nifty feature for people to fix their boredom. You can submit links to sites you like, sites you work on, quizzes, games, etc., as well as other Green Day ... read story