Lollapalooza, Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, CA
August 27, 1994
Other Acts:
The Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, George Clinton & the P-Funk All Stars, The Breeders, A Tribe Called Quest, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, L7, Boredoms, The Flaming Lips, The Verve, The Boo Radleys, The Frogs, Guided by Voices, Lambchop, Girls Against Boys, Rollerskate Skinny, Palace Songs, Stereolab, Fu-Schnickens, The Pharcyde, Shudder to Think, Luscious Jackson, God Lives Underwater, King Kong, Charlie Hunter Trio, Shonen Knife, Blast Off Country Style, Souls of Mischief, Cypress Hill, The Black Crowes
- Recordings from this show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- Bootleg Confessions: "Green Day opened the main stage and they were their rambunctious selves as expected. They had just played at the Woodstock show a couple weeks prior where Mike Dirnt got into a scrape with the festival's security. I heard he lost some teeth on that one, though it's probably just a tall tale. Billie Joe kept on pile driving his vocal mic stand on the stage in a brutish attempt to lower it, lamenting, 'I'm too short for this shit!'. Clearly, he knew how to lower it, but was just being a punk. Alex decided to roam the grounds during their set, but we stuck it out. There were a couple girls sitting in front of Erica and I who were obviously pissed off at Green Day, acting frumpy, and making angry criticisms of their overtly male behavior. The crowd up on the lawn were loving it however. The pit up there was at least a hundred feet wide, about the distance between the middle two spotlight towers. Billie Joe ran up and down the aisles of the seated section during a song and when he passed by the base of the lawn, the crowd playfully threw all sorts of crud at him. Billie chastised us folks down in the seats for being boring and ripped on BGP, calling them 'Bill Graham Prevents', a hit on the organizations lackluster support for punk bands. It was a fun set all the same. They did a medley, playing bits from Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor and Metal Health (Bang Your Head) by Quiet Riot. A couple of the ladies from L7 bum rushed the stage during their set as well holding signs saying , 'Punk For Sale'."
1. Welcome To Paradise
2. Chump
3. Longview
4. Basket Case
5. When I Come Around
6. Burnout
7. F.O.D.
8. Knowledge (Operation Ivy cover)
9. Paper Lanterns / Eye Of The Tiger (Survivor cover) / Metal Health (Bang Your Head) (Quiet Riot cover)
10. She