Lollapalooza, Coca-Cola Starplex in Dallas, TX
August 20, 1994
Other Acts:
The Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, George Clinton & the P-Funk All-Stars, The Breeders, A Tribe Called Quest, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, L7, The Flaming Lips, The Verve, The Boo Radleys, Guided by Voices, Lambchop, Girls Against Boys, Rollerskate Skinny, Palace Songs, Stereolab, Fu-Schnickens, The Pharcyde, Shudder to Think, Luscious Jackson, God Lives Underwater, King Kong, Charlie Hunter Trio, Shonen Knife, Blast Off Country Style, Souls of Mischief, Cypress Hill, The Black Crowes, Angelo Moore
- Recordings from this show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- Dallas Morning News: "Opening with a blast from those candy-colored clowns they call Green Day and ending 10 hours later with a curiously abrasive and ultimately rocking set from Smashing Pumpkins, Dallas’ 1994 slice of Lollapalooza pie was a hearty helping. Green Day singer Billie Joe set the tone at around 2:15 in the afternoon when he unzipped his pants during Longview, pulled out his penis and wrapped it around the mike stand. People hardly noticed, however, because the band was a furious blur. Green Day is entirely derivative of late ’70s British punk bands like the Buzzcocks and the Jam, but they’re harder, rougher and funnier than those groups. L7 also played a cartoony brand of punk, with the Slits serving as their model, but like Green Day, they brought a lot of contemporary fury to their interpretation and caused the first massive mosh pit on the grass."
1. Welcome to Paradise
2. Chump
3. Longview
4. Basket Case
5. When I Come Around
6. Burnout
7. F.O.D.
8. She
9. Paper Lanterns