Lollapalooza, Houston Raceway Park in Baytown, TX
August 19, 1994
Other Acts:
The Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, George Clinton & the P-Funk All-Stars, The Breeders, A Tribe Called Quest, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, L7, The Flaming Lips, The Verve, The Boo Radleys, Guided by Voices, Lambchop, Girls Against Boys, Rollerskate Skinny, Palace Songs, Stereolab, Fu-Schnickens, The Pharcyde, Shudder to Think, Luscious Jackson, God Lives Underwater, King Kong, Charlie Hunter Trio, Shonen Knife, Blast Off Country Style, Souls of Mischief, Cypress Hill, The Black Crowes, Angelo Moore
- Incomplete setlist
- Dave Glessner: "BAYTOWN - If crowdsurfing and moshing were professional sports, Lollapaloza '94 would have been a talent scout's utopia. More than 20,000 people endured temperatures near 100 degrees to dance, sway and hoist each other toward the stage at the fourth annual alternative musical festival, which stopped at Houston Raceway Park this year. 'It's entertainment for everybody,' - said 17-year-old Gidget Rosenow of League City as she left a swirling mosh pit during a rousing set from punk rockers Green Day. 'I was right up front. I lasted for two songs. It was all I could take for now.' ...Backstage, Green Day bassist Mike Dirnt was pleased with the well-behaved turnout and his band's growing success. 'This is probably the best thing going tour-wise this summer,' - Dirnt said. 'I never thought [the band's success] would get to this. It's a lot of fun and a lot of hard work, but we're having a really good time."
1. Welcome to Paradise
2. Chump
3. Paper Lanterns