The Orbit Room in Grand Rapids, MI
July 26, 1994
Other Acts:
Pansy Division, Mustard Plug
- Incomplete setlist
- "Billie Joe wore a T-shirt reading, 'Fuck Longview', but he played the song."
- Richard B. Kelley: "Before they headlined festivals and arenas and had Broadway shows based on their music and sold gazillions of albums GREEN DAY played clubs. They opened the day at Lollapalooza in 1994 and played in Grand Rapids as a one-off a day or so later. Pansy Division was openly, screamingly queer and very proud of it. They were not 'politically correct gay' by any stretch."
- Ron Clause: "Actually, the band trashed the Dressing Room and the Tour Manager put his foot through the wall in the dressing room hallway. I think the band was having a contest to see who could stick the most deli meat on to the ceiling. These days they actually have a 'Family Room' where the wives and kids hang out. Pretty tame these days!"
- Sean: "Summer 1994. The Orbit Room in Grand Rapids, MI. Green Day supported by Pansy Divison and local ska heroes Mustard Plug. Green Day was touring in support of their first major release "Dookie" and everything was cool. My friend D. and I, securing nights off from our service industry jobs, headed to the show and ended up running into the same people we always ran into at concerts and clubs in the area. You know? The cool people. Everyone danced their butts off, jumped around and cheered a lot. The crowd showed up early to see Mustard Plug and quickly became bored with Pansy Division. The latter were okay musicians but their music was like listening to Two Live Crew except it was punk rock and the band, if you hadn't guessed by the name, was comprised of 3 gay men. Funny at first then... Yawn. Green Day rocked the house right. And everyone went home happy. They played the song below toward the end of the set."
1. Longview