The Nappy Dugout in Vancouver, ВС
October 04, 1992
Other Acts:
The Sweaters, Ten Feet Tall
- Recordings from the show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- Tre Сool: "I got a bike ... A real whoop-de old Schwinn with a stick shift on it ... chopper. I got it for free from some kid."
- Eric Flexyourhead: "That was a cool show, there were just over 200 kids there. That's pretty amazing. I remember the first time you guys played here, there was almost no one there!"
- Billie Joe Armstrong: "I believe this place was called Nappy Dugout in Vancouver. I remember a line of lowrider bikes in front of the club. Always great times there. Tre’s clown camp teacher let us stay at her house. She had an amazing dog that could do dog tricks. Very sweet. Does anyone remember the Nappy Dugout?"
- Aron Chute: "I joined The Sweaters ... as their bassist and opened for Green Day twice the next time they came through town. It was when I was living at the Sludge house, we opened for them at The Nappy Dugout ... It was a great show, got high with Tre in Blood Alley and Billie Joe was standing beside me rocking out to our Ramones covers we played that night."
- Jeff Choy: "I've seen Green Day a couple times since then in Vancouver, and they always reference the Nappy Dugout show. I thought I'd see if it was still there, and after wandering around Seymour St. I realized... That I had lived next to it for almost ten years. It's weird looking at it now, because over the years Seymour has been claimed by Yaletown (did wonders for my condo). Back then though, it was a 'dead zone', which made it great for jam spaces, clubs, and prostitution. Today though, the space caters to people with nice cars who like them to be really clean."
- "...I saw some band from Northern California called Green Day play the long-gone Nappy Dugout in Vancouver. There were about 100 punks, skaters, skids, and their girlfriends at that early show, though I doubt most will remember it. The only reason my damaged memory has even the vaguest recollection of that forgettable evening is that I am a pack rat. Though not the kind of hoarder who saves take-out Styrofoam containers, I do have a tickle trunk full of music memorabilia ... Sandwiched somewhere between my Clash cassettes and collection of Bon Jovi vinyl is a hand-drawn, letter-sized concert poster with 'Green Day' scribbled across it. While I'd like to be able to say I saw the birth of the biggest-selling punk band of all time that night, I simply cannot recall the finer details of that rough-up. Green Day just wasn't that memorable."
- jeffinvan: "When Green Day played GM Place in Vancouver in July 2009, Billie Joe apparently asked the crowd if anyone remembered the Nappy Dugout or Cruel Elephant. I don't think anyone raised their hands. But, lucky for anyone interested in those days of yore, my buddy Boss Pop not only remembers those two venues, he also had a tape recorder along - and so we can share these gigs these many years later. The Nappy Dugout was essentially a large-ish concrete bunker up on Seymour Street in downtown Vancouver, which hosted the occasional gig but was primarily a skateboard hangout with a few ramps, etc. This particular show was an all-ages event held on a Sunday afternoon, starting several hours late as Green Day were held up at the border. I remember the promoter passing along updates - phoned into him by the band from the customs office - to the small, primarily teenage audience. Eventually the Green Day van pulled up and the band hustled their gear onto the stage and played their set. (For the curious, there's a The Sweaters - who were the opening band - video on YouTube which was partially filmed in The Nappy Dugout. There's also a Green Day video on YouTube filmed in Victoria two days after this show)."
1. 2,000 Light Years Away
2. Only Of You
3. Who Wrote Holden Caulfield
4. Welcome To Paradise
5. At The Library
6. Don't Leave Me
7. Christie Road
8. Going To Pasalacqua
9. One Of My Lies
10. Longview
11. 16
12. Road To Acceptance
13. Paper Lanterns
14. All By Myself
15. Dominated Love Slave
16. Disappearing Boy / Freebird (Lynyrd Skynyrd) / Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd)