Innerworld Gateway in Billings, MT
July 30, 1991
Other Acts:
Spurge (headliner)
- Recordings from the show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- Kyle Matteson: "I saw Green Day in '91 opening for a local band I loved back in Montana called Spurge. Had no clue who they were..."
- ejones71: "It was called Inner World Gateway. I've been told it's still around. It's way out west on Grand or Central. It was the middle of a field at the time."
- Dustin Bennett: "Looks like a 90's version of Pat Whitmer at the beginning. I thought he said he went boarding with Green Day when they came through in the early 90's, so maybe this is that time. I think Spurge opened for them, maybe Quash too."
- Shawn Welch: "My friend JD did security at this show. He walked in on Billie Joe as he was applying his mascara and said, 'Sorry, I thought this was the men's room.' BJ went spider monkey and punched JD (like a girl) about 20 times before he could get him tied up."
- Will O'Brien: "Inner World Gateway was on 80th St. and Grand Ave. That is the club I played my first show at. That club was really small I went to high school with the kid who ran it. His dad owned the building. It held, like, 75 to 100 people and they would stuff a couple hundred in there. Didn't last long."
- The Billings Gazette: "...the second concert is an alternative rock show scheduled for 8 p.m. Tuesday at Billings' newest teen club, Hollowell's Innerworld Gateway. It features Green Day, a band that performed here in June 1990, and the local band Spurge. Tickets for the show, presented by Barking Frog Productions, are $5 in advance at Blueline Records or Innerworld Gateway, 8101 Grand Ave., or $7 at the door. 'It's heavy blues-influenced alternative rock, with heavy guitar riffs,' said promoter Sean Lynch, who noted that last year's Green Day show was the best he's ever brought to Billings."
1. Don't Leave Me
2. At The Library
3. I Was There
4. Only Of You
5. Christie Road
6. 409 In Your Coffeemaker
7. 16
8. Paper Lanterns
9. Knowledge (Operation Ivy cover)
10. Road To Acceptance
11. Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?
12. 1,000 Hours
13. Going To Pasalacqua