Community Link Center in Fresno, CA
September 15, 1989
Other Acts:
Plaid Retina (headliner), Death Penalty
- Nicholas Dugger: "I still have the 7" that I bought there."
- Stagedive Records: "Plaid Retina headlines over Green Day at a gig I put on at the Community Link Center in Fresno. 1989."
- Steve Villata: ''Rave reviews of the debut EP!'' LOL... I remember that they didn't get the warmest reception from the Fresno crowd."
- Kristin Noelle: "I approve because Green Day played on Ashley Paige's birthday, however, I was not at this show because I was oh ... eight or so."
- Paul Cruikshank: "And if GREEN DAY didn't get a good response that's only because the people there were STUPID because Green Day ruled back then!"
Sorry we don't have a setlist for this show. Contact us.