The Attic in Dublin, Ireland
December 15, 1991
Other Acts:
Dog Day
- Recordings from the show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- flem lad: "I was at the gig with a friend who recorded it on his dictaphone. A year or so later, when Green Day had really taken off, I went in to Borderline Records near Merchant’s Arch and swapped a copy of the recording for some other bootlegs."
- Pete Murphy: "I was in town doing some last minute Christmas shopping. I knew Niall was organising an afternoon gig for this band on Lookout Records, called Green Day. I knew their first couple of records, and I’d always support the Hope gigs when I could, so I took some time out to pop in and catch the show. Armed as ever with my trusty walkman recorder I headed in and, along with, I guess, 25 other people, caught a great gig. I still have that tape somewhere."
- Please Feed Me: A Punk Vegan Cookbook: "Yeah, yeah, it's all true. Green Day played in the Attic. It was a wintry Sunday afternoon. They used my bass, They covered up my Sink stickers. They took off their trousers and 40 people saw it all. Retrospectively when people talk to me about hope they mention Green Day, Fugazi and Nomeansno. If all the people who say they saw Green Day when they played with Dog Day in the Attic were actually there then the already unsteady floor in the venue would definitely have collapsed. On the day we lost a £50 and the floor was perfectly safe. It's kind of novel to be able to say that they played but I would much prefer if I was able to give you a recipe from the band. Dublin wasn't really the party city and Green Day left for Belfast straight after the gig, but not before getting some directions and food. They had enjoyed themselves so much in Belfast the previous night that they wanted to get back as quickly as possible. 1991 ended for hope with this gig. We had directly put on 29 gigs. We had been involved with other gigs in Cork, Belfast, Trinity, NCAD, and Kill. People from other counties in Ireland were starting to ask about putting on gigs (they either got the address from REACT or travelled up to Dublin for a gig). React was up to 5000 copies (I even find that hard to believe looking back) and there was an endless supply of bands looking to play. Being careful not to get carried away Green Day put a sense of perspective on it. 40 people."
1. Don't Leave Me
2. Only Of You
3. Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?
4. At The Library
5. Welcome To Paradise
6. Danny Boy
7. Christie Road
8. Disappearing Boy
9. 2,000 Light Years Away
10. Going To Pasalacqua
11. 16
12. One Of My Lies
13. Paper Lanterns
14. 409 In Your Coffeemaker
15. Knowledge (Operation Ivy cover)