Wehrschloss in Bremen, Germany
January 10, 1992
- Recordings for the show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- Wolfgang Gerhardy: "We had more unknown bands instead of big names. Except probably Green Day, but nobody knew them in 1992."
- Weser-Kurier: "When the Bremen Open Channel started in 1992, we got a unique opportunity to film live music that we liked. At that time, only MTV (ugh, mainstream) and, later (since about 1993), VIVA broadcasted live music. Yes, we were the predcessor of today's YouTuber! Armed with S-VHS cameras (these tapes were higher quality, but were just as big as a paperback), we filmed indie bands every weekend at Wehrschloss or Kulturzentrum Schlachthof."
1. Don't Leave Me
2. Only Of You
3. Welcome To Paradise
4. At The Library
5. 409 In Your Coffeemaker
6. Christie Road
7. Disappearing Boy / Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd cover)
8. Going To Pasalacqua
9. 80
10. 16
11. Paper Lanterns