Cobo Arena in Detroit, MI
November 25, 1994
Other Acts:
Pansy Division
- Incomplete setlist
- riversideroo: "Green Day – Cobo Hall, Detroit 1994 (Dookie Tour, high energy and my fondest memory of what the floor was like at a show in 1990's)"
- Chris P.: "I saw Green Day in Detroit for the 1st time. I camped out for a $7.50 main floor ticket at Harmony House I was 18. I was a total barricade rookie. I was on the rail for a total of 3 or 4 songs until I ended up on the ground getting stepped on. I left with footprints on my shirt. I would say I've gotten better with age at shows."
- Chris Grebinski-Policicchio: "All I have is the ticket stub I just got Billie to sign last month. It's crazy though. Like there is no record of that show anywhere. Good thing for the stub and my memories I guess. I found a close setlist and remember them covering 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'. One vivid memory. Billie says, 'Anyone know a word that rhymes with orange?' I will never forget that. We were all like, 'Um... No.''
- San Francisco Weekly: "...The worst night was in Detroit's sold-out Cobo Hall. There, more than 20,000 people drowned out Pansy Division's entire act with a half-hour of nonstop booing. 'You could actually see battles being fought in the audience between the small pockets of people loving it and everyone else throwing up their middle finger, having none of it,' [Jon] Ginoli says. 'The few people who dared to applaud got picked on by the rest of the crowd, and we just got pelted with everything. I did get a nice backpack out of it, and $40 in coins. It was by far our most lucrative night.'"
- Ken Settle: "Right before I took this shot, a stage diving fan had just knocked me down off of the foot stool I was standing on. When I picked myself up, my nose was stinging and I had this peculiar, overwhelming smell of relish that I couldn't shake. I felt some dampness under my nose, and thought maybe I'd gotten a bloody nose from the hit I took, I touched my nose with my fingers and looked at it, expecting blood. What in the world? It was RELISH! Just then I spied a flattened relish packet right beside where the collision took place. It seems the stage-diver landed on it at just the precise angle and timing, so as to send the contents of the relish pack shooting up my nose!"
- Brian: "It's 1994, and fifteen-year-old Michigan lad named Brian just found out that Green Day is coming to town. This excites him greatly - so much so that he and his brother wait outside of the nearest Ticketmaster location for a few hours for tickets. ... The tickets were impossibly cheap - around ten dollars each, even after the Ticketmaster charges. What a steal! Brian goes back to high school, fidgeting and fussing. That Green Day show is just around the corner. It'll be any day now. He tells everyone, whether they care or not. 'This is going to be awesome.' The day of the show finally arrives. With his parents and his older brother, they arrive at the venue. On the way in, a photocopied flier gets put in Brian's hand. "Join the Green Day Idiot Club." Yes. That sounds lovely. After begging for money from his parents ... he sends in the check. A while later, he gets the Idiot Club package: Temporary tattoo, sticker, patch, shirt, and a few other odds and ends."
1. Longview
2. When I Come Around
3. Welcome To Paradise
4. Basket Case
5. She