The Edge Concert Field in Orlando, FL
September 25, 1994
- Incomplete setlist
- Tiah Scheible: "Green Day was my second concert of my own choosing, but my dad still had to take me, because it was in Orlando and he didn't think I was old enough to just go with friends. I remember I was crowdsurfing and some dude grabbed my boob. I was like, 'Hey, some asshole just grabbed my boob!' Which honestly was pretty nonexistent at that point in my adolescence. Anyway, then all of a sudden I get yanked out of the air and it's my ceramics teacher, Mr. Pedlow. He shoves me behind him, then socks the guy in the face because he saw the whole thing go down. Ha, thanks teach!"
- Laura Jane Grace: "September 25th, 1994 I saw Green Day play at The Edge in Orlando, Florida. It was not only my first punk rock show, it was the first concert I had ever been to period. I've mentioned & thought about that show and how it changed my life every single night on this tour. I've held onto the ticket stub from that show ever since and today, last day of the tour I finally worked up the nerve to ask the band to autograph it. People say 'never meet your heroes' as oftentimes they can disappoint, but I'm so happy to say that hasn't been the case here. I learned so much on this tour and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to have played in front of such amazing audiences."
1. Chump
2. Longview
3. Burnout
4. Welcome to Paradise
5. My Generation (The Who cover)