The Fillmore in San Francisco, CA
December 15, 1997
Other Acts:
D Generation
- Recordings from this show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- Kerrang: "2,000 assholes and Billie Joe's mom."
- Stephen Forbes: "This happened at the Filmore in SF in '97. The story is, this guy with a green mohawk (typical gutter punk) that hated Green Day came with his girlfriend (also a gutter punk with green mohawk) who loved Green Day. The guy was spitting on people and pushing and hitting people in the crowd and generally just being a total dick. The best part of the story is that after Billie jumped in the crowd he accidentally punched the girl instead of the guy. The girl ended up getting free tickets to the remaining two or three shows they were doing at the Filmore. Yes, I was there. It was crazy, I couldn't see what happened after Billie jumped into the crowd, but there was a write up in a local paper about how he punched the girl and how he felt bad and gave her free tickets to the remaining shows. I thought it was so cool that Billie went after that guy though. He really deserved it! Maybe the girl too for bringing that jerk."
- Laura: "The signal to everyone that Green Day was coming on was the song Whip It. Everyone started to pogo and scream. Mike didn't use his G-3, though some say it was stashed away behind an amp. Billie Joe introduced his mom by shining a flashlight on her and telling the crowd to say, 'Hello, Mrs. Armstrong!' After a few minutes of babble about how drunk they were and how good they felt to be home, Billie Joe's expression changed. Suddenly, he yelled out, 'You wanna fight?! Come up here! Come on! You little mohawk motherfucker!' And with that, he jumped into the crowd to fight the dude. The two guys had to be dragged apart. Mike stood there looking surprsied. He offered this in Billie's defense, 'Go back to your mama, bitch!' Billie Joe came back onstage looking pissed. Ironically, the song they played after the fight was Nice Guys Finish Last. They played the favorites from Dookie and Kerplunk, and a Pinhead Gunpowder cover of a Joni Mitchell song. As well as the best from Nimrod and Geek Stink Breath from Insomniac, blah blah blah. The moshing was wild shit, man. Tre kept doing stuff to rile up the crowd. All three guys seemed ready to take on anything that came their way. (Shoes, fists from little dickheaded moshers, etc.) When it came time to play Knowledge, of course they wanted to choose someone from the crowd to play guitar, but beforehand, Billie laid out a whole long speech about Jesse Michaels. Since Marisa and I were right below Billie's view, we yelled at him to let her come onstage. BUT NO. We knew he wouldn't let her though she'd hoped. A photographer in front of Marisa who happened to be a friend of Billie's, climbed onto the crowd barrier the same time as Marisa. Billie saw her and said, 'Not you!' She totally looked like she was gonna cry, so I hugged her. The guy was so obnoxious about being onstage, playing Blue. Towards the end, Billie Joe started spraying water on people. They trashed the stage after being up there two hours. Billie Joe was laying there like a mental patient, letting harsh feedback reverberate from his guitar while the drums lay smashed with Mike's new Fender bass inside."
1. Welcome To Paradise
2. Geek Stink Breath
3. Nice Guys Finish Last
4. Hitchin' A Ride
5. The Grouch
6. One Of My Lies
7. Chump
8. Longview
9. 2,000 Light Years Away
10. Surrender (Cheap Trick cover)
11. All The Time
12. Take Back / Eye Of The Tiger (Survivor cover) / You Shook Me All Night Long (AC/DC cover)
13. Christie Road
14. Knowledge (Operation Ivy cover)
15. Disappearing Boy / Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd cover)
16. Basket Case
17. She / Only Of You
18. Last Ride In (Aborted) / If Only You Were Lonely (The Replacements cover) / Once More Without Feeling (Pinhead Gunpowder cover)
19. Big Yellow Taxi (Joni Mitchell cover)
20. F.O.D.
21. Paper Lanterns / Born To Lose (Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers cover)
22. Scattered
23. Prosthetic Head
24. When I Come Around