7th House in Pontiac, MI
May 27, 1998
Other Acts:
- Incomplete setlist
- Mike: "I was at this show. My friends and I made a big setlist on green poster board and held it up right when the band took the stage. Before they went in to their opening song, Billie asked that it be passed up to him! He took it and then they proceeded to play a ton of songs from our list! The first 3 songs (in order) were: J.A.R., Worry Rock, One Of My Lies. I cannot recall all of the others but they definitely played some rare ones for us, including 1,000 Hours and Desensitized!"
- "Last May my favorite radio station, 105.1 The Edge, announced they were holding a 'sercret' concert. Since Green Day had decided to skip over the Metro Detroit area on their tour, The Edge asked them if they would mind doing a special concert. They agreed and officially annouced that it would be the smallest concert on their tour (only 400 people would be able to come). So, I had been trying for almost a month to win tickets, though unsuccessfully. I was getting really nervous, since my friend Laura had won and I was going to be left out! So the day before the concert I was attached at the hip with my radio. When an opportunity came up to call in, I did and won! So the next day, my friends Laura, Lisa, Kathy, and I all piled in to Kathy's Geo. The concert whereabouts were a complete secret to the listening audience and weren't made public until after the show. So we headed down to the 7th House and waited for almost an hour by the doors. Finally we got in and rushed into the mosh pit. After waiting another hour or so, Samiam came on. They kicked MAJOR ass! The lead singer, Jason, took off his shirt and was pretending to be gay. It was hilarious! Samiam performed for about another hour, and then there was a short recess. They played The Ramones and The Clash over the speakers. Finally, Billie came out and put Blue on. Then Mike and, finally, Tre. It was so amazing! The pit went wild and I got trampled on quite a few times. I don't remember too much from the concert (I was drunk) but I do remember the first song they played was J.A.R. The concert lasted for about a hour and a half. Billie stripped down to his little tiger printed G-string during King For A Day. They even got my friend on the stage! It was all in all a great experience. After the show was better though. Once we got out, we decided to wait in the alley, in case the band comes out. Tre hung out with us for a few minutes. Showing us his teddy bear bong and messing around with some worker's tools! He is so cute in real life, I must say. And then Mike came out. He was real laid back and took a picture with Kathy, who was hyperventilating, she is so in love with him! I started getting really nervous when I heard Billie Joe's laugh up on the balcony. Finally he came down with his beer in hand. I freaked out and grabbed Lisa's shirt. Everyone was getting his autograph and stuff, when I asked him for a picture. He said, sure, so I posed next to him. I said, 'I love you so much!' And he said, 'Really?' 'Yes, I have since I was, like, 13!' I said while taking really shallow breaths. 'Then give me a kiss!' he said. I freaked out and gave him a smooch. He waved goodbye and got back on the bus. THAT was the time of my life!"
1. J.A.R. (Jason Andrew Relva)
2. Worry Rock
3. One Of My Lies
4. Knowledge (Operation Ivy cover)
5. King For A Day
6. 1,000 Hours
7. Desensitized