4100 Quinlin Dr. in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
September 01, 1991
- Exact date unknown
- Oral History Of South Bay Punk: "This was a house show in Palos Verdes from 1991 at Jason (J Sin) Faulk’s parents house. Totally insane that this was a house show in PV! Green Day also played this house around the same time. ..."
- Craig Ibarra: "...One of the many house parties Jason threw at his parents' pad up on the hill (Palos Verdes, CA). ... Small kitchen, small room for the crowd and a tiny nook where the bands would play, plus a sliding glass door where people spilled into a pretty big backyard. ... Green Day once played a party here also and borrowed our equipment. ... I recall the cops breaking up a fair amount of these parties. Great memories from this pad on the hill. ..."
Sorry we don't have a setlist for this show. Contact us.