Raji's in Hollywood, CA
February 09, 1992
Other Acts:
Incredible Casuals, Mahalik Halili, Pop Defect
- Flipside #77: "Man o' man do Pop Defect get better and better. A tough band to peg, not fast, not slow, but somewhere in some slightly tilted dimension just between. A couple years ago I described my favorite song of theirs, Without, as coming from suspended animation. Kinda the sound of bearin' an old music box on a bad trip. Charlie is king freak with those big-eyed faces he makes on bass, Nicky is Mr. Consistent on drums (and by the way, I just verified that he does chug Burgie! and live in squalor) and Alan looks too damn good playin’ that big guitar. So go. I like Green Day too much. After overplaying every awesome second of their vinyl, a year ago I had the privilege of seeing them wow a crowd of nuts for about a solid hour at Eugene’s in Pico Rivera. Tonight was a different bar, a more jaded Hollywood crowd, and rumor had it, a tired band that had been up a few days in a row. Green Day doing a mediocre show can still end up being the highlight of my month, ok, but man, they stopped between nearly every song to mumble this or that witty comment, breaking up the flow and fun in spite of the beautiful 50’s prom gowns they were sporting. Picky, picky, I know, ‘cause all the stuff from their swell new Lookout LP sounded amazing. Ok, now get back down here and do it again soon."
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