924 Gilman Street in Berkeley, CA
November 18, 1992
- Recordings from this show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- Robert Eggplant: "...a show Green Day played as a surprise birthday party for Kevin Dill at Gilman. The band were pretty bummed that it was such a small party and you can hear them fizzle out ...doing halfhearted cover songs."
1. Having a Blast
2. When I Come Around
3. Burnout
4. Basket Case
5. 16 (Tease)
6. Longview
7. J.A.R. (Jason Andrew Relva)
8. In the End
9. Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?
10. Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix cover) [Tease]
11. Welcome to Paradise
12. Haushinka
13. When It's Time
14. Christie Road
15. You Shook Me All Night Long / Highway to Hell (AC/DC Medley)
16. Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne Cover)
17. The Last In Line/One (Dio/Metallica Medley)
18. Johnny B. Goode (Chuck Berry Cover)
19. Going to Pasalacqua (Partial)
20. Disappearing Boy (Aborted)
21. Unknown Metal Song
22. Lullaby (Blatz Cover)
23. Master of Puppets (Metallica Cover) [Tease]
24. Holidays in the Sun (Sex Pistols Cover) [Partial]
25. Paper Lanterns (Partial)
26. Witchcraft (Frank Sinatra Cover) [Partial]