House in Albuquerque, NM
September 04, 1991
Other Acts:
23 More Minutes, Word Salad (?)
- Date is subject to change
- Daniel Chingas: "They also played in the sticks off of Broadway Blvd. and Avenida César Chávez at my brother's friend Ray's pad..."
- Bar Ballard: "That was such an epic show/slumber party in ABQ! My mom making pancakes for all you hooligans is still one of my fondest punkrock memories. That was one of the funnest shows ever."
- Arica Pelino: "...Our Econoline broke down in Albuquerque on a Sunday morning after sleeping at Bar Ballard's house (he had that bald Sinead O'Connor poster on his wall). The auto parts store was closed so we couldn't fix the van. We stood around in an empty parking lot for hours ..."
Sorry we don't have a setlist for this show. Contact us.