LA Pool Party in London, England
August 01, 2001
Other Acts:
Kyle MacLachlan, Ozzy Osbourne
- Exact date unknown
- Aired on October 20, 2001
- Recordings from this show can be found [url=]here[/url]
- BBC: "Kyle MacLachlan, Ozzy Osbourne and Green Day feature on the first of a new entertainment show. Tess Daly, Jayne Middlemiss and Lisa Snowdon host the ten-part series."
- Tre Cool: "Have someone's slobber all over my spliff? ... No. We did a British TV show yesterday called LA Pool Party. Ozzy Osbourne and Carmen Electra were on it. There were all these models drinking apple juice and pretending it was champagne, but I went round and spiked all the models' juice."
1. Welcome To Paradise (Partial)