Top Spot Snooker Club in Huddersfield, England
December 09, 1991
Other Acts:
Goober Patrol
- Kerrang!: "...Then there was Huddersfield snooker hall..."
- Christy Colcord: "OK, so Huddersfield was Top Spot. Goobers said it was a snooker club, so that makes sense. Goobers said something about a shaving cream fight at that show, with Tre getting his eyebrows shaved? Great to have all the opening bands."
- Jase Kilvo: "Huddersfield was defo Top Spot - apart from enjoying the gig, I seem to remember it was snowing (?) and we had to leave early to get the last train. I have a shirt somewhere... God, I was SxE then and still don't remember much. I have photos somewhere."
- Billie Joe Armstrong: "The first [British] shows we played were at a snooker pub and a place called Rail in London, which used to be some sort of train station. Fortunately, we're always able to adapt to any atmosphere or any number of people, even today. We never contracted arena-itis!"
- gazza285: "I saw them 20 odd years ago at the Top Spot Snooker Club in Huddersfield, their first UK gig. Must have been fifty in. It annoyed me when people bemoan that the band hasn't got any real punk rock roots when the reality is that they toured the European squat scene until they hit the big time."
- Barry Moody: "GD stayed at the place where I was at when they stayed in Hudds after the Top Spot gig. Tez couldn't put them up for some reason. It was a flat in a shared hall of residence type place and Bilie Joe & Tre smoked in the kitchen while rest of us watched Vic & Bob. Kicked out early next morning so I could get to work and lass I was seeing had to get back to Sheffield."
Sorry we don't have a setlist for this show. Contact us.