Saltair Pavilion in Magna, UT
July 28, 2001
Other Acts:
The Living End
- "This was my first Green Day concert (they're my all-time favorite band) and I didn't know what was coming. I have been a fan for 7 years but this was the first concert I was old enough to go to. Let me tell you about this place called Saltair. It's a little place probably meant to hold no more than 2500 people but there were probably 3500 because this is Green Day - the greatest band ever. It's right on the edge of the Great Salt Lake. Basically, it smells like raw sewage (but that didn't bother us because it was covered up by the smell of sweat, cigarettes, and marijuana). Anyways, while everyone was waiting for Green Day to come on this nice lady kept pouring water on the hot, sweaty, packed crowd from the balcony. Little did we know that was actually Billie Joe's mom (he introduced her). When Green Day came on a little before 8:30 everyone in the place went absolutely crazy. This was the coolest concert I have ever seen and ever will. It was an amazing setlist. Throughout the whole show Billie Joe kept the crowd very into it by leading the crowd in chants, spraying us with beer, huge squirt guns, and water bottles. It was funny when the guy from the crowd picked to play guitar for Knowledge got a big wet kiss on the lips from Billie Joe, then he made all three of them stagedive. It was very amusing to see a grown man play trumpet during King For A Day in a bumblebee suit. Throughout Time Of Your Life I was on the verge of crying. Trust me, that's a pretty big deal for me, I'm not quite the emotional type. After When I Come Around Tre totally thrashed his drumset. They had to set up a mini-set consisting of a snare, bass, and symbal for him to finish with Macy's Day Parade. During Platypus the moshes were crazy and I got hit in the nose by some dude. The funny thing is I don't even remember it hurting at all when it happened - I guess I was too caught up in the experience to notice it hurt."
1. Nice Guys Finish Last
2. Castaway
3. Church On Sunday
4. Longview
5. Welcome To Paradise
6. Hitchin' A Ride
7. Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne cover) / Iron Man (Black Sabbath cover) / Brain Stew
8. Jaded
9. 2,000 Light Years Away
10. All By Myself
11. Dominated Love Slave
12. Knowledge (Operation Ivy cover)
13. Basket Case
14. She
15. King For A Day
16. Waiting
17. Minority
18. Warning
19. Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)
20. Platypus (I Hate You)
21. When I Come Around
22. Macy's Day Parade