Davis High School in Davis, CA
January 01, 1990
Other Acts:
Caroliner (headliner)
- Exact date unknown
- Rick E.: "I had been to shows in Davis before, but I hadn't been to the high school. I felt like an outsider, so I didn't really mingle with the other kids my age there. They were all vying for optimal position in the front and center before the opening act, which turned out to be Green Day. I think it was my first exposure to them, although I'd been familiar with the name. Green Day played, and I was kinda nonplussed while the kids attempted to mosh before the on-duty school janitor or other authority figure made them pipe down. Behind me, I saw a bunch of grizzled-looking weirdos - even a few balding middle-agers - lined up against the back wall looking glazed or irritated with Green Day. The curtain dropped behind Green Day, and the kids all clapped politely before retiring to the back wall. Meanwhile, the older dudes against the wall began to look curious, unfolded their arms, and moved forward. ...When Green Day opened up for the ultra-weird dayglo-splattered circus-folk-psych-freakshow band known as Caroliner (yes, back in 1990, Green Day would open up for just about anyone) at the Davis High School auditorium, I answered Billie Joe when he asked, 'How do we get back to I-80 from here?'"
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