The First Existentialist Church in Atlanta, GA
August 22, 1991
Other Acts:
Fiddlehead, Wrong Answer Zoo Breath, Figure
- Geoey Cook: "When we played with them here, they stayed at Mike's house. ... Yeah, we've got that on tape actually."
- gravy: "Was that show in Atlanta? I saw them around that time at the Existentialist Church in Candler Park. It was a great show."
- lunchboxrecords: "Saw them at First Existentialist Church in Atlanta right after this [1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours] came out."
- Duke Korey: "In 1991 went to see my friends’ band play at some small venue in Atlanta. A band called Green Day also played that night. We thought were decent, but thought 'Green Day' was a weird name. Lol. Cut to 1994-1995, I saw them on MTV and next thing ya knew, they were huge!"
- Feedback Factory Press: "GREEN DAY came on with nothing but pot on their minds. Poppy-punk at its best! An entertaining band live. A fun show in which everyone just kicked back and had fun. (Valery)"
- Kip Duvall: "Figure played at another legendary Atlanta show: with Green Day and Fiddlehead at the Existentialist Church in Candler Park way back when. And not by coincidence, that is also where Fugazi first played in Atlanta years before."
- Mike Haggerty: "We would take, for example, Green Day put an ad in MRR, 'We're going on tour, call our home number,' and play a show with us. I was like, 'Hey, what's up Billie Joe, we’re in Atlanta and we want to set up a show,' so we set up the shows. So that way, obviously we're going to fucking open up, so we got Green Day coming. Shit like that."
- James Joyce: "I have no idea who you are talking about. The Oily-O song isn't bad, though. I wonder what else they put out? As for the Genessee thing, I also have no idea, but I almost went to the Green Day show, and tried to go to the Ultraman show at the church a few days/weeks later, but couldn't find it. Many years later, Ed Rawls did sound for the singer of Mojave 3 at the same venue. Strange how it keeps popping up."
- Proven Hollow: "I don't think I ever got the Fiddlehead Genessee thing. What was it? I remember it on this record and then I remember seeing them and Green Day at the Existentialist Church in L5P (step in the way-back machine) and the stage and everything was covered in Genessee flags. They may have even been wearing Genessee work shirts. I seem to remember them saying on stage they were sponsored by them... For some reason that always stuck in my head and I always wondered what the deal was. Thanks for reminding me! Good times. What a bizarrely wierd show that was. Hardly anyone there. I think the next time Green Day played Atlanta they sold out the Masquerade."
- Lita: A Less Traveled R.O.A.D. - The Reality of Amy Dumas: "One memorable night was when I saw Green Day at the Existentialist Church in Atlanta, just outside of the Little Five Points section of town. There were maybe forty or fifty people there - no one knew who Green Day were yet, they had released a couple of 7-inches on Lookout! and were out on their very first tour. They were good guys - they were just a year older than me, telling fart jokes and doing stupid shit. They fit right with my group of friends. One of Green Day's roadies was a guy named Lucky, who's since died of a heroin overdose. In addition to being a roadie, Lucky was the guy who tattooed people with Fifteen Dot - it was one dot of ink, dotted into the skin fifteen times, representing the Lookout! band, Fifteen. Everybody in Fifteen had one, everybody in Operation Ivy and Green Day had one, along with various people around the country who were invited to be part of the circle. When Lucky asked me if I'd like a Fifteen Dot, I said, 'Hell, yeah!' - I definitely wanted to be included in that community. He broke out his metal lunch box, took out some needles, some rubbing alcohol and gave me my very first tattoo - it basically looks like a blue mole on my left forearm."
Sorry we don't have a setlist for this show. Contact us.