Filthfest, Golden Gate Park, Marx Meadow in San Francisco, CA
June 30, 1991
Other Acts:
23 More Minutes, Smog, Blister, Insaints, Blatz, Fifteen, Jack Acid
- Matt Wobensmith: "The best show I saw of Green Day was at a punk picnic in Golden Gate Park. This was maybe '91 or '92. There was this tradition of having these punk picnics. So we were in this meadow, a Sunday afternoon and everyone was waiting for beer to show up. There was like 20 million crusty punks there and who's who of East Bay bands: Blatz, Filth, Econochrist, 23 More Minutes, like everyone. And Green Day. Finally the keg arrived. These two dudes carrying it across the field. And it was the most comical thing, because a whole fucking mess of crusty punks ran after them. With their dogs and everything, like, "Beer! Beer!" They were just pathetic. You could make a sitcom about crusty punks. We've talked about it. The bands played, and Green Day went on, and they were maybe into their second song. And suddenly here came a whole bunch of cop cars, sirens, making their way over the meadow, and you knew they were gonna unplug us. Green Day didn't miss a beat. They played harder and they played faster and they played better than ever. The whole crowd was watching the cops. But Green Day had their backs to them, didn't care, didn't know, or whatever, playing their hearts out. I've never enjoyed a band more."
Sorry we don't have a setlist for this show. Contact us.