The Catalyst in Santa Cruz, CA
February 16, 1994
Other Acts:
- Incomplete setlist
- Santa Cruz Sentinel: "GREEN DAY - What began as two teenagers in the East Bay learning to play guitar has blossomed into an international musical force. After a few tours of Europe and the U.S., Green Day has made the big time with the recent release of Dookie on Warner Bros, records. Opting for power chords rather than guitar solos, the trio augments its punk sound with pop melodies and vocal harmonies. Tilt opens the 16 and over show at 8 p.m. at the Catalyst, 1011 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. 423-1336. $7-8.50."
- Andrew Michael Radin: "Just got back from Green Day at the Catalyst in Santa Cruz. Shitty place. Really high stage, quiet PA, security pit in front, general 'meat market' attitude. Green Day sauntered out at 9:00 (show started at 8:00), opened with Welcome To Paradise. Billie Joe no longer has green hair, now it's - guess what - dookie-colored. Mike was resplendent in polyester green bell bottoms and blond spiky hair. We couldn't remember the songs in order, but they played these: Only Of You, Chump / Longview, Road To Acceptance, Knowledge, Coming Clean, Christie Road, 2,000 Light Years Away, Going To Pasalacqua, F.O.D., Burnout, Paper Lanterns (smokin'). Encore was Dominated Love Slave / something else, sorry I forgot [All By Myself] / extended Disappearing Boy (with lots of stops and starts, heckling and yelling between Billie Joe and the crowd). They played the first verse of Rock You Like A Hurricane (pretty funny), Sweet Home Alabama, and an unidentified Slayer song (played in response to some doofus yelling, 'SLAYER!') Other highlights: Billie Joe sticking his hand down his pants during the appropriate parts of Longview (also humping the mic stand), Billie Joe deep-throating the microphone, picking up a thrown hamburger and doing a short puppet act with it, then throwing it to the crowd, and licking a spat booger off his shirt and spitting it back into the crowd. A lot of spitting on stage in general. Other neat things were a Jimi Hendrix part in the middle of Paper Lanterns (basically the Foxy Lady intro), lots of fake rock star moves like Pete Townshend. Notable requests from the crowd included Sound System (Operation Ivy), Boxcar (Jawbreaker), Eye Of The Tiger, 'play some Skynyrd' (duh), and some others I forget. Overall very high energy set, lots of crowdsurfing, zero stage dives, lots of squashed people. They had a large canister that shot water over the crowd, labeled the 'Dookie Gun.'"
1. Welcome To Paradise
2. Only Of You
3. Chump
4. Longview
5. Road To Acceptance
6. Knowledge (Operation Ivy cover)
7. Coming Clean
8. Christie Road
9. 2,000 Light Years Away
10. Going To Pasalacqua
11. F.O.D.
12. Burnout
13. Paper Lanterns / Foxy Lady (Jimi Hendrix cover)
14. Dominated Love Slave
15. All By Myself
16. Disappearing Boy / Rock You Like A Hurricane (Scorpions cover) / Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd cover)